Field grass.
Telecom Boundary Survey (Telecom) – Terrane Skip to main content
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Surveys Telecom Boundary Survey

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What it is.

Wireless Boundaries

A boundary survey for a telecommunications site requires research into historical records to locate the boundary of the parent parcel for a potential wireless site. Plotting easements and items disclosed by a title report can aid in avoiding conflicts for the proposed site location. This can include topographic information for the entire parcel, or a specific location as required by the carrier or jurisdiction.

Terrane | Telecom Surveys

Telecom Boundary Survey

How it Works.

Know the Project

Legal descriptions written and plotted for a new lease, access, and utility easements are often required for these surveys.

Understanding a specific project’s requirements and understanding what the particular needs are for a new project design can help expand or narrow the scope and avoid unnecessary, time-consuming delays.

We employ only the best talent in land surveying, from onsite surveyors to project managers and operators. We are professionals. Experts. Deeply trained, highly motivated — ready to get the job done.

What's Your Measure ?

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Terrane | Telecom Surveys

Telecom Boundary Survey

Why Terrane.

We Get it Right

Terrane’s focus on getting it right the first time is paramount when it comes to the razor-thin timelines associated with the wireless industry. This also allows us to be competitive from a pricing standpoint.

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